Quality certifications
Read informations about our company's quality certifications
Out products do not contain LEAD, MERCURY, CADMIUM, or HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM other than in cases listed in directive 2000/53/CE-Annex2 under the conditions specified therein.

S.C. ORGANE DE ASAMBLARE S.A. is registered at the Patent and Trademark Office mark nr. R33634

Raylway Supplier Authorization AF nr. 4211 issued by AFER Bucharest
Testing laboratory authorized by AFER Bucharest according Authorization AL Nr. 358/2010-R1, valid until 28.06.2020

Quality Management System Certificate nr. IT-90749, in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 issued by IQNet and CISQ/RINA

Environmental Management System Certificate nr. IT-90748, in accordance with the ISO 14001:2004, issued by IQNet and CISQ/RINA

EU certificate of conformitynr. 1840-DPC-98/214/EC/0367-11 for high strength assemblies with pre-tensioned bolts having appliance in metal structures, issued by AEROQ S.A. Bucharest